Monday, October 1, 2012

September 30 (Day 15) - Two weeks old!

Julia is 2 weeks old today!  Sara and I can't believe it has already been two weeks - although Julia's surgery when she was only a few days old does seem like years ago.  She is still doing pretty good and is starting to be a little more consistent in her feedings.  Her feedings today were 16, 6, and 16 ml - the last feeding was by bottle. She seems to be hovering around 15-25 ml (more toward the 18-20 range).  Sara and I noticed that Julia seemed to have a lot more facial expressions today.  So we tried to snap a few pictures, but the delay on the camera was just a tad too slow to catch most of them.

We met Bob and Wendy at church this morning, and after about passing out from the heat in the church we returned to our house.  Sara and I headed up to the hospital for Julia's 11:00 feeding and Bob and Wendy were kind enough to go grocery shopping for us.  After the feeding we came back to find the dishwasher loaded and groceries put away.  We ordered Monical's pizza for lunch (yummy BBQ chicken pizza) and visited for a little while.  Sara and I went to Julia's 2:00 feeding and Bob and Wendy joined us for Julia's bottle feeding at 5:00.  After that we played some pepper at home (a card game for those of you that live under a rock) while waiting for Donna and the boys to get here from Iowa.  They got here around 11:00 pm and the boys were happy to be home, see their mom and dad, and then be in their own beds.

Julia is 2 weeks old today!

Julia's belly button starting to form almost 2 weeks after surgery.  It has a bit of triple-die for infection (so it looks a little blue/purple).  It looks great!

Looking around on her soft blanket

Julia starting to smile at mom


Whoa, what is going on

Hi everyone

She is quite the yawner

Just looking around

Making faces at dad

Before getting wrapped up for bed she started sucking her thumb


  1. She is such a cutie!! I'm so glad I was able to stay with you & see her in person. I bet the boys were beyond happy to be home & see you, I can just see them smiling as they lay down in their beds. :) Love you all!!

  2. I see a dolly!! :) Julia is going to be the queen of pink! I love her big smile :D
