Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 3 (Day 18)

Julia had another good day with eating.  During the night, she took 2 bottles and was in the 20-30s for how much she drank.  At her 8:00 am feeding, she took 21 ml from a bottle.  I was up to see her for her 11:00 am feeding.  She took 36 ml from me at that feeding.  After feeding her, I held her during her tube feeding.  She is a very cuddly little girl.  :)

I went and ate some lunch at the cafeteria and then headed back up to be with Julia.  We did a little more cuddling.  For her 2:00 pm feeding, Julia ate 40 ml from me! After that, she had her tube feeding.  Then I gave her a bath.  It is amazing how greasy her hair gets and how much softer it then gets after a bath.  She smelled like a fresh baby :)  I even brushed her hair.   I headed back to the house to play Geotrax with the boys for a while.

I met Eric at the hospital for her 5:00 pm feeding.  She was on her belly sleeping pretty soundly when we got there, but after a diaper change and turning the light on, she seemed to be waking up hungry.  I fed her and she took 36 ml.  Then Eric cuddled with Julia for awhile since he doesn't get too much weekday cuddle time.  After that, he wrapped her up in her blanket and we tucked her in for the night (even though she'll be up again in 3 hours).

We headed home and had dinner (made by Donna) with the boys and Donna.  Then Donna gave the boys baths while Eric and I caught up on a few household things.  Now the boys are tucked in and hopefully sleeping.  Eric and I are going to run a few errands tonight while Donna is still here.  We are going to brave our first full day by ourselves since Julia was born- Donna will be leaving tomorrow afternoon and Kathy will be getting here early Saturday morning.  It has been wonderful to have all of the help.  Oliver has his second day of preschool tomorrow and Parker- well he'll be getting a new toothbrush because he threw his on the bathroom floor tonight.

Pre-bath Julia (note the greasy hair)

Post-bath Julia- note the soft hair :)

A close up of Julia

Just hanging out in her crib

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