Monday, October 15, 2012

Julia's First Week Home

Julia had a very exciting first week home- she even managed to leave home and make it to 4 other states during that week!  She came home on Monday, October 8th in the late afternoon.  She was welcomed by her two big brothers and her aunt Kathy (and me, but I brought her home ;)).  Eric joined in the welcoming later that night when he got home from a conference in Chicago.  Tuesday, we enjoyed spending the day at home and relaxing.  On Wednesday, Julia had 2 doctor appointments- one with the pediatrician and one with the surgeon.  Both appointments went very smoothly and both said she looks wonderful.  Both also want to see her back next month to check her out again.  Thursday, my mom came and got to see and hold Julia.  Friday, we packed up and headed to New York to meet Julia's new cousin, Lucas, and be there for his baptism.  We spent Saturday and part of Sunday visiting in New York and we got back home to Illinois today.  Here are some pictures of Julia's first week!  We are looking forward to many more weeks with her :)

Julia hanging out while the rest of us ate pizza

Oliver showing Julia how one of her toys works

Oliver watching Julia get a bath

Soapy hair

Happy girl after bath time

Julia and Lucas Take 1 (many years of pictures to come)

Julia and Lucas Take 2

Julia and Lucas Take 3- in coordinating outfits even :)

Sophia and Julia

Oliver holding Julia- this was the first time he asked

Alex holding Julia

Aunt Kara and Julia

Julia wearing her first dress- with tights that had little shoes on them :)

3 clean kids in their pajamas

Oliver came out after naptime and I was holding Julia- usually he wants to snuggle when he wakes up and he just snuggled right in and put his arm around Julia :)

1 comment:

  1. I showed a couple of co-workers a picture with both Julia and Lucas and they seemed confused and asked don't they live far apart??? I had to remind them that we are truck driver's daughters so a road trip was in order.
