Saturday, October 6, 2012

October 5 (Day 20) - TGIF&TKIOHW

Thank goodness its Friday & that Kathy is on her way (Even though I'm posting this Saturday morning :)

I was too tired to post last night.  Sara spent the night at the hospital with Julia again last night.  The boys and I stayed home.  It was a bit of a crazy day yesterday and I haven't drank enough coffee to list it all out yet.  However, Kathy is likely less than an hour away, which is great because Sara and I will be able to be in the same place for a little bit and we will have a chance to talk.  I know Sara is looking forward to seeing Kathy (they talk on the phone everyday for the most part) so hopefully she will help return sanity to the house that seemed to leave with Donna (who by the way I greatly appreciated having cleaned the bathroom, washing the sheets, and washing dishes before she left :)

On an unrelated note I hope it warms up. It was cold last night and still is this morning - luckily we turned on the furnace, because brrr.

1 comment:

  1. The upstairs bathroom is only "approximately" clean (did it in about 5 minutes) but hopefully it will work! Sorry I had to leave when I did but glad Kathy is coming to the rescue. Miss those boys and hope the increased mom-feedings get Julia home sooner! Love to all.
