Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 7 (Day 22)

Sara and I stayed up at the hospital last night and Julia ate 305 ml and her threshold was 300 ml - so she just scraped by, but the nurses and doctors were happy especially since she did the same 305 ml in previous 12 hour shift so she was consistent.  We all went to church this morning.  The boys and I dropped Sara and Kathy off at the hospital to feed Julia and we returned home to play GeoTrax for a few minutes. After Julia was fed we all went to the cafeteria for lunch/brunch.

Oliver went up to see Julia and Kathy walked Parker around the hospital.  Oliver had a good time checking out Julia's toys, drawing pictures for her on her whiteboard and looking at all of the stuff under her crib.  Oliver and Parker went home, and Sara and I stayed up at the hospital to feed Julia on demand (Sara not me :o).

Kathy took the boys to Toys R' Us after their nap to get something for Julia and themselves.  Parker got a Gordon train (Thomas) and Oliver got Aero and Eric (GeoTrax).  They were both excited about their toys.  Julia ate a lot in one feeding in the afternoon and Sara took the opportunity of her full belly to go home and spend some time with people outside the hospital.  I stayed up at the hospital with Julia and worked on some slides for a presentation I was going to give the next day in Chicago.  For supper, Kathy stated specifically that she wanted everyone to know that the boys had grilled cheese (she didn't really, but I thought I would add it for flare).

Julia did not eat as well this day.  She only ate 266 ml out of 300 ml and we were told if she did not hit 300 ml the doctor would put the NG tube back in.  They would put in the tube to get her to up to the target feeding amount (300 ml).  NICU policies say that a baby must be off the NG tube for 2 days before being discharged.  So if the NG tube went back in we would be in the hospital for a minimum of 2 more days.  However, the doctors said that since she was trending up to the 266 ml that the doctor wasn't concerned and she didn't need to have the NG tube put in! The less exciting part was that the nurses and doctors started to say that Julia would be sent home with a heart rate/breathing rate monitor.  They said that due to her tongue they thought it may be a good idea for her to wear it for 3-6 months until she gets a little bigger. Obviously not so exciting.

I left the hospital around 10:00 to get some sleep at home, because I needed to drive up to Chicago the next morning and give a presentation at a conference. So Sara was, yet again, in the hospital with Julia in the "rooming out" room with a horribly uncomfortable bed that makes crunching sounds every time you move and squeeky bathroom door that would wake up any sleeping child.

Julia's spot in the rooming out room (from left to right: crib, heart monitor, baby scale)

Her belly button, which is really looking great! (and of course her monitor leads)

Zonked out in her crib

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