Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1 (Day 16)

Julia had a wonderful day today.  She did a good job eating today which was very exciting.  The speech pathologist came at her 8:00 am feeding, but we weren't up there for that feeding.  Unfortunately, she didn't take any from the bottle at that feeding and so the speech pathologist didn't really have much new to say.  At her 11:00 am feeding, I was up there to feed her and she took 26 ml.  I was very happy with that number.  Donna went along for that feeding because Bob and Wendy were still in town and they stayed with the boys.    We all had lunch together from Subway (other than Eric- he had gone into work) and then Bob and Wendy headed back to Iowa.

I got the boys settled down for naps and then headed back up to the hospital for Julia's 2:00 pm feeding.  At this feeding, she took 34 ml!  This is the most she has ever taken from me!  I hung out with her for awhile and then headed home to see the boys for a bit and get a few things done before her 5:00 pm feeding.

Eric got home from work in time to go up for her 5:00 pm feeding so we headed up to the hospital together. It took a little longer to get her interested for this feeding, but she did and she ate 24 ml.  We were impressed with her feedings for the whole day.

Julia gets to have bottles tonight if she is awake and interested at feeding time.  We did call and see if she took one for her 8:00 pm feeding, but her nurse said she slept right through so she got fed through her tube.
The nurse did say that she was awake now (around 8:30) and that she was cuddling her and hoping to try a bottle for her 11:00 pm feeding.

Eric and I got back and ate supper with Donna- the boys had eaten a little earlier.  Then we played trains with the boys for awhile.  Donna gave Oliver and Parker haircuts and then Eric gave them both baths.  They seem to be happily settled in their beds for the night and I think Eric and I are thinking that isn't sounding too bad.  Hopefully the nurse will have good news in the morning that Julia did a good job with the bottle and that she will do so well with her feedings again tomorrow.

Oliver has his first day of preschool tomorrow - I plan to post more on that with pictures on our regular blog tomorrow, but I think he is excited for that.  Otherwise tomorrow is a regular day for us.

Have a great night everyone!!

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