Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 2 (Day 17)

I got up to the hospital just after Julia had started her tube feeding for her 11:00 am feeding.  Unfortunately between picking Oliver up from preschool and forgetting my name tag (which I need to get in the NICU), I was late and not able to feed her that time, but I held her throughout her feeding and cuddled with her.  After her feeding, I headed down to the cafeteria and met Eric, Oliver, Parker, and Donna for lunch.  When lunch was over, Donna headed back to the house with the boys and Eric and I went up to see Julia.

The speech pathologist showed up for her 2:00 pm feeding.  Julia was up and ready to eat a few minutes before 2:00 and luckily the speech pathologist was a few minutes early so Julia didn't have to wait too long.  Julia ate really well- she took 58 ml which is the most she has ever taken from me or a bottle!  The speech pathologist said Julia is still doing a lot of gulping and having stridors while she is eating, but that with breastfeeding, there isn't much to do about it and she is less concerned with breastfeeding than with bottle feeding.  The speech pathologist is planning to come tomorrow or Thursday to observe Julia taking a bottle.
We were really excited about her big number!!

We talked to the doctor for a little bit.  She said Julia's thyroid levels looked fine in her most recent blood work.  Her billirubin was looking good also.  She said that Julia seems to just need to figure out her eating and then she should be able to head home.

Eric and I went up for her 5:00 pm feeding and Julia did pretty good again.  She ate 36 ml.  We are really happy that she keeps pulling bigger numbers.  It has been nice for the tube feedings too because the syringes they use only hold 60 ml so she had been needing 2 syringes which obviously takes longer, but with only 1 syringe, it goes a little faster.

Nothing too big on the agenda with Julia for tomorrow.  Wednesday is bath day so she'll get a little cleaner tomorrow.  We are hoping she eats well through the night.  She took 2 bottles last night and ate 14 ml and 19 ml at the 2 feedings.

Oliver's first day of preschool pictures and info should be posted on our other blog shortly :)

Julia's board that we have been writing her feedings on- the 58 is circled!!

When we got back before her 5:00 feeding, Julia was sleeping on her tummy.  We were pretty certain the nurses had flipped her, but did check in case she had decided to roll (we were right and the nurses had flipped her when they were rubbing her back while upset).

Julia all passed out sleeping

Julia in her crib

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Julia!!! What an exciting day!! We'll keep hoping and praying she'll keep up the good work. Give hugs and kisses to your kidos for us. Love to you!
