Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 29 (Day 14)

We got up to the hospital in time for Julia's 11:00 am feeding.  She did pretty well and ate 18 ml.  Her nurse said that for her 8:00 am feeding, she was tired and didn't really wake up to eat so she just had her tube feeding then.  After she was done eating and had her the rest of her feeding through her tube, Eric and I headed home to get a few things done around the house.  We went back up for her 2:00 pm feeding.  She ate 20 ml at this one.  She has had about a 45-60 minute awake period after this feeding so we played with her for a bit.  Eventually we got her settled down and back to sleep and then we headed out to run an errand.

We went to a local baby store and picked up a headband and a barette for her.  On our way back home, my brother Bob called and let us know that him and his wife were in town.  We made plans for them to come up and meet Julia.  We ended up meeting them up at the hospital for her 5:00 feeding.  Eric had planned on giving her a bottle for this feeding since she hadn't had one all day.  Julia took 21 ml from the bottle.  We were really excited at her consistency throughout the day.  Dr. Stratton talked to us briefly and said he is planning on letting Julia start having bottles in the night beginning on Monday.  We were happy to hear this.

When we left the hospital, we went out to eat with Bob and Wendy.  It was a beautiful night and we were able to eat outside which was really nice.  After dinner, they came back to our house for a bit and we visited for a while.  Eric and I enjoyed some Scratch cupcakes that they brought for us.

We are looking forward to seeing the boys tomorrow, even though it will be late when they get here.  Everything I have heard sounds like they are having a great time in Iowa.  We'll end with a few pictures from today.

Julia holding Mommy's thumb

Julia relaxing during a tube feed

Julia wearing the headband we bought her- it was a little big- I said it looked like she was sweating to the oldies

Julia with her barette 

Julia wrapped up in a swaddle-me (she has become a master of getting unswaddled with a regular blanket) with her barette in.  She looked pretty cozy for the night.

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