Friday, September 21, 2012

Saturday, September 15

Saturday, September 15 I was tired today and tried to do some napping on and off throughout the day. My blood pressure was still high and the doctors decided that they would induce me tonight. I was able to eat until 2:00 PM today, which was nice because I actually had an appetite. I spent most of the day trying to get some rest, getting lots of blood pressure checks, getting blood drawn, and being checked on by the nurse. Eric had went home and brought up all of the Harry Potter movies and we were preparing for a Harry Potter marathon throughout the induction process – he even brought popcorn for tonight. I also got to take a shower today which felt pretty good at that point. After 2:00, I couldn't eat or drink anything because I was going to begin the induction process at 4:00 PM. Of course, the doctor who was going to put the Cervadil (beginning medicine of the induction) was in a delivery at 4:00 and didn't get into me until 5:45, I was getting pretty hungry again at this point. The doctor who placed it actually brought in a sonogram machine because she couldn't feel the baby's head at all and wanted to make sure it hadn't flipped and the whole induction process would have been pointless. Luckily, the baby was still head down, just really high, so we proceeded. I had to wait for 2 hours after the Cervadil was placed before I could eat - in case I started having any contractions that led to labor. So at 7:45, I was finally able to eat some dinner. The boys came up and visited me for a little while, I think Parker was a little scared of me being hooked up to and IV and monitors while in a hospital gown. My mom came along and Eric's parents who had drove in late Friday night. Around 8:30, my nurse suggested I could take some Ambien to help me get a better night's sleep since they would start pitocin the next morning shortly after 6 am. I took the Ambien and pretty much fell right alseep. Eric was able to get some sleep too. Around 11:30, I woke up and couldn't get comfortable and kept needing to get up and use the bathroom. I think I was driving the nurse (and probably Eric) crazy, each time I'd get up or move, the nurse would have to adjust my monitors because they would lose track of the baby. They did check me to see if I was making significant process and if the baby was coming soon. Unfortunately, I was only dilated to 2 cm and the baby's head was still really high. I was having contractions that I could feel, but weren't super bad and not very consistent. I continued feeling uncomfortable and figured my nurse, Eric, and I would just be having a long night ahead of us.

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