Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday, September 23 (Day 8)

Today will be a complete post.  We will try to keep the posts up to date and catch up old posts as we have time.

Today we went to church.  Oliver went to Sunday School and Parker went to the nursery - we were pleased to hear both had a good time.  We talked to some friends after church and went to IHOP for brunch.  After brunch we came back home.  Sara and Eric packed up to see Julia - we could give her a bath before her 2:00 feeding - so we were at the hospital by 1:30 pm.  Julia enjoyed her sponge bath (the second time we gave her a bath).  After her bath Sara fed her and she ate 14 ml.  By the end of the feeding she was fast asleep so we went back to see the boys.  We played with the boys and had a good time reading stories, playing GeoTrax, and just spending time together.  Sara and Margaret took Parker for a special trip to Toys R Us - he had a good time running from toy to toy spending time with mom and grandma.  While they were checking out toys Eric went to the hospital to feed Julia for her 5:00 feeding.  She managed to eat 16 ml from the bottle (out of 83 ml).  The rest of the milk is given through an NG tube.  Julia zonked out during the feeding so Eric took that time to cuddle up with her for a while.  After a while Coco, Kelli, and Sara visited followed by Margaret, Oliver, and Sara.  During this time Parker was being watched in the family lounge by the other adult not in the NICU.  He did not like missing out on the action.

We found out that Julia will need to eat at least 75% of all of her target feedings for a couple of days before she gets to come home.  Currently her target is 83 ml (~2.75 ounces), but it has increased every day. So, based on current progress, she has a long way to go before she gets to come home.  We will meet with the speech pathologist for the second time tomorrow to see if she will recommend any other feeding strategies that may increase her intake, because her feeding at 5:00 pm was ~20% of target.

Most importantly here are some pictures of Julia from today.

Julia relaxed after a feeding

Zonked out after a feeding

Her new belly button is already looking great!

Julia cuddled into dad.  This picture was taken by Oliver all by himself and I thought it was a very good picture so we should share it.

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