Friday, September 21, 2012

Sunday, September 16 - Baby Pictures

Baby Julia after birth showing off her omphalocele, really she was just crying because it was bright and a lot of people were poking a prodding her

Doctors and nurses are checking her over

She really liked to stick her tongue out after delivery

Julia and her mom

The lights from the room were bothering her, so dad was trying to shield her from the lights while taking pictures

Julia and her dad

8 pounds 10 ounces

After we held her she got her leads put on (body temperature, heart rate, etc)

Dad was holding her hand while they were assessing her on the warming bed

Down in the NICU one of the nurse practitioners, who has seen plenty of omphaloceles, pushed her bowel back into her belly and showed us the membrane inside of the umbilical cord.  In the picture it is the pink portion that she is pointing to.

Julia sticking out her tongue at everyone

After I returned to the NICU she had been bandaged up and had breathing tubes in her nose to help her breath.  The nurses said she had stridorous (squeeky/laborous) breathing so this was just room air to help her breath while adjusting to life outside of her mommy's belly.

She also had a small tube in her mouth with very mild suction to pull anything out of her stomach (air and liquid) to ensure there was no pressure on her omphalocele in preparation for potential surgery.

One of the nurses also gave her a pink bow in her hair :)

After one of the shift changes they switched her bandages to a bag to keep her omphalocele from drying out.  

Here is a picture of her bow and all of her hair, which is very very soft and her dad calls it 'whispy'

She really likes her pacifier so they were trying to prop it up using rolled burp rags to help her keep it in her mouth

It didn't work super well, but she didn't mind giving up and taking a nice nap

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing ... I can't wait to meet her!
