Thursday, September 20, 2012

Friday, September 14

The following 5 days were basically a blur so I apologize if some of the things end up out of order.

Friday morning, I woke up and still wasn't feeling well. Eric had a meeting at 10:00am and so I tried eating breakfast and resting a little extra, but by about 10:30am, I called the office to see what they wanted me to do. They wanted me to come in and get monitored and looked at again. I texted Eric to let him know they wanted me to come in and to meet me at the office. I walked over to the hospital (by myself!) and Eric came over and met me at the office. By 11:30, I was hooked up for a NST and still feeling terrible. The baby had was not being very reactive and I was having a few smaller contractions. The doctors weren't too pleased with how the baby was looking or how I was looking. My blood pressure was still running higher and a few numbers were hitting their concerning numbers for pre-eclampsia. They sent in a lab guy to check my blood for platelet counts and liver enzymes. These results were both within the normal range so that was good to hear. After being hooked up for about an hour, they sent me to get an ultrasound to check and see how the baby was looking. The baby was doing fine, nothing too concerning, but they just weren't happy overall with how I looked and how the baby was responding during the NST. So they sent me up to labor & delivery and said we would probably just do the induction tonight instead of waiting until Sunday. As I was being wheeled up to labor & delivery, I told them all that I had finally done it- I walked to the hospital to have a baby and to make it even better, Eric met me there and so I walked to the hospital by myself to have a baby. :) We said it would only be a better story if there had been snow on the ground. Everyone smiled and we had a good laugh about this as we headed up.

Once I got up to labor & delivery, they got me all settled in. They attempted to hook up an IV, which took 3 times and 2 people and all 3 were definitely the most painful IV attempts I have every had. I tried to sleep for awhile and get some rest. Eric ran home and got our hospital bag and told the boys that we'd see them in a few days. Luckily my mom was here through all of this so we didn't have to worry about where to take the boys. I had blood work done a few more times that afternoon and my platelets were starting to drop a little bit. I was hooked up to a monitor to keep an eye on the baby. The nurse kept a close eye on my blood pressure which was still running high. Mid-afternoon I was starting to get hungry and asking about food- I had only had ½ a piece of toast and a little oatmeal for breakfast that morning. They weren't sure if I would be allowed to eat because of the induction and I think they were a little concerned about the possibility of a C-section if I didn't progress well enough. Finally around 4:00pm, they said that they were just going to monitor me for the night and see how I did, then probably do the induction the next night. I was excited about this because they meant I was able to eat something for supper that night. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. I was monitored all night and received lots of check-ins from the nurse. I was still not feeling well and fairly uncomfortable, but tried to get some rest that night. I slept on and off through the night with lots of check-ins from the nurse and trips to go to the bathroom. By morning, I think I was more exhausted than I had been the night before.

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