Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday, August 30- 36 weeks, 5 days

I had my 2 appointments this week.  Both went well and the baby passed the tests with flying colors.  The baby is apparently on a schedule of being wide awake for the biophysical profile- which is first and then falling fast asleep for the non-stress test.  This leads to the ultrasound lasting about 2 minutes because "your baby did great," "no problem getting everything this time," and "I'm sure your baby will get through the NST quickly with all of this movement."  Then we go in for the NST (take Monday for example) and the baby sits quietly with a heart rate of between 138-142 which basically makes a ruler line on the paper (not the ups and downs that need to see).  So I drink some water, then I lay on my left side, then I switch to my right side, then I drink some more water, then they use a buzzer thing to buzz my stomach (like an alarm clock sound, not an actual buzz), then how about 2 cans of apple juice, then 3 graham crackers, then 2 glasses of ice water, then more buzzing, then more switching sides.  Finally 2 hours after getting hooked up, the baby decided that was enough of a nap, woke up did 2 quick accelerations (heart rate goes up from the norm by 15 bpm for approximately 15 seconds) and I was able to get unhooked and head home.  Thursday wasn't so long, only an hour.  I guess I will just hope the baby keeps this schedule and sleeps everyday once he or she is out from about 9-11, I can dream right?

Not much else going on baby related.  My mom has been here to help with the boys for appointments and in case I go into labor.  She is actually back in Iowa for the weekend, but Eric's parents are coming in tomorrow to spend the weekend with us.  I am excited to report I only have 4 more appointments left before the baby and that two weeks from Sunday, I will be heading to the hospital to have this baby and we'll finally know if it is a girl or a boy.  Oliver told me this morning probably a boy so we can have a baseball team.  Have a great weekend!!


  1. Always good to read the updates. Hope your weekend with the Shooks was nice. I'm jealous of all your company. :)

  2. A baseball team sounds like a fun idea! You can handle this at least 6 more times right? ;)
