Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pediatric Surgeon Meeting

We met with the pediatric surgeon today.  It was not quite what we were expecting, but overall, it was good.  He was extremely optimistic in the prognosis of what is going to be happening.  He said from looking at the sonograms and information collected, he said it definitely falls under the omphalocele category, but he describes it as more of a herniated umbilical cord/belly button.  He definitely made sure we understood that we won't know everything until the baby is actually here and can be examined, but he said it is very possible that the baby will come out, they'll take a look at it and, as he described it, "stick it back in while the baby is in the NICU bed, put some tape over it, and let it heal itself."  Obviously this would be amazing to have such a minor procedure done in comparison to the baby having surgery.  He did say if they look and think that pushing it in won't work, they will do surgery, but it won't be an emergency by any means.

We asked about the hospital stay, assuming the baby is healthy and other things are fine, and that they are able to put it back in without surgery.  The doctor said "3 days."  We asked if the baby had to have surgery, how much would that likely change and he said add 2 days.  The fact that we are looking at under a week now is amazing.  The nurse practitioner who works with the surgeons was quick to say that since the baby will be in the NICU, they are less lenient with letting babies leave if they aren't eating as well.  So here is hoping that this baby eats as well as both boys ate and gains quickly so that won't be a concern.

He was making everything sound so minor so I asked if I would still need to have a c-section between 37 and 38 weeks as we have been planning for quite awhile.  He said from what he sees, he doesn't think this means I need to have a c-section.  He again made us aware that other things can cause need for a c-section, but assuming all else is normal, he doesn't feel I would need to have a c-section based on this issue alone.  I am beyond thrilled at this prospect- I am hoping to talk to my doctor at my appointment tomorrow morning and and really hoping they agree and I can skip the whole c-section step.

It is sounding like we will be able to hold the baby immediately (barring any other arising issues), which again sounds wonderful as we were preparing ourselves to not be able to hold the baby for potentially a week or so.  They said that I should be able to nurse the baby without any major concerns, but will have to wait probably 12-24 hours before nursing the first time while they assess the baby and decide what procedure will be done and if surgery/anesthesia need to be done.

We asked about being at Carle (our local hospital) or being in Peoria (the children's hospital about 1.5 hours away) and he said Carle is absolutely fine.  We were excited to hear that.

This basically changes our whole planning of knowing when the baby will be getting here and what all we were expecting to happen, but we will take this news over knowing the day the baby is coming any day.  We are also keeping in our minds how much of a roller coaster this whole process has been and knowing that it could very well take another twist and all of the things we are excited about right now could change.  But for know, we are going to enjoy the thought of me not needing a c-section, the baby not needing surgery and coming home within days of delivery.

Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers - we really appreciate it.  Thanks also to all of our friends who have been helping us out immensely by watching the boys while we are at appointments.

1 comment:

  1. What awesome news on so many levels. There is such power in prayer. And I know there has been alot of that sent your way. We are looking forward to seeing Eric and the boys this weekend and I hope you enjoy some peaceful time and a wonderful visit with Kathy. Can't wait to meet this little one.
