Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday, August 23- 35 weeks, 5 days

I haven't updated for a few appointments, but honestly there isn't much to report most of the time.  I had an appointment this morning and they did a growth ultrasound.  The baby is growing quickly.  He or she was measuring ahead at 37 weeks and weighing in at an estimated weight of 7 lbs, 1 oz.  The abdominal cavity is measuring at 38 weeks, 3 days which is a good thing considering we want to add a little more inside once the baby comes out. The baby scored a perfect 10 out of 10 between the BPP and the NST.  I asked about how long they would let me go and she said no longer than 39 weeks-ish.  And then she said let's schedule an induction date- so now I have an end date in mind.  September 16th (a Sunday night) I will go in and get admitted and start the induction process.  More than likely, if the baby waits that long, he or she would make a grand entrance on September 17th.  I will say that I have a bit of a gut feeling that this baby will come earlier, but who knows if that actually means anything.  Last night I kept waking up thinking what if my water breaks, but it never did.  I think it might be because my mom got into town last night and so now if it happens, we don't have to worry about taking the boys anywhere.  I do think I might start a hospital bag and get a few things together so we are prepped.
Have a good night everyone!

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