Monday, August 13, 2012

2 Appointment Update

I didn't get this updated after last Thursday's appointment and last night I figured I might as well wait until after today's.  Both appointments went well.  I was out of the office in less than 2 hours each time. Thursday, baby looked fine, did great on the tests again.  I was having contractions through the NST, but laying down helped that and I'm still not feeling them at all.  They weren't too worried and gave us the go-ahead to head to Indianapolis to visit the children's museum that Saturday.

Today was pretty similar- Eric was able to go which was nice.  The baby did great on the tests again.  I was apparently not having much for contractions because I never had to lay down and the test was over pretty quickly.  The nurse practitioner didn't have any concerns.  I asked if I would need any other tests or anything that wasn't on the schedule already and it doesn't sound like I need much- I have to be tested for Group B Strep, but that is normal at 35-36 weeks so I'll do that next week.  She said I shouldn't need anymore lab work which is always an exciting thing to hear.

Eric and I are both excited for our appointment on Wednesday to meet with the surgeons and get a better idea on everything.  Hopefully by that night we will know where I will be delivering at and hopefully by the end of the week, we'll have a date!  We need to write down all of our questions tomorrow night so that we can go in prepared- I know we have talked about lots of them, but it is always best to have a list when we go in.  I would say you can probably expect an updated post either Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon with all the details we know.

Have a great day!

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