Friday, February 15, 2013

The latest news on Julia

It has been quite some time since I have updated this blog- which I like to look at as a good thing since this is supposed to hold all of the medical stuff.  We are quickly approaching Julia's tongue reduction surgery.  She will be having surgery on February 27th- less than 2 weeks away.  We go to St. Louis on the 25th, she has an appointment on the 26th, and the surgery on the 27th.  I talked to the pre-op people on Wednesday and we won't have a time for her surgery until the day before, but they said it typically goes youngest to oldest so it is likely Julia will be first (surgeries start at 8:00am).

We are anxious for the surgery and follow-up care- some days I wonder if we should really do it, but I know long-term we will be glad we did it.  It is just hard to send your smiling baby girl away to basically change her smile.  I know it is definitely not for that reason, but my logical side doesn't always win.  I just keep telling myself that by April, life should be back to normal.

Julia does great taking bottles from us- about 6 ounces in 15 minutes and she doesn't seem to mind when she gets one.  Hopefully this continues after surgery.  She is also still nursing and we are hoping she will continue to after surgery.

She is doing great with everything else- smiling, rolling, talking.  She tries to sit up when we are holding her.  She had blood work for her AFP done this week (on Monday) along with an ultrasound.  They weren't able to get a good view of her left kidney so we had to take her back in today for another ultrasound.  Luckily she didn't have to fast for this one.  They got all the shots they wanted.  They saw a few things on the one today, I'm not exactly sure what all- we go to the geneticist on Monday.  When I talked to him on the phone today, he said some of it is likely because of her age- something about calcification in the left kidney.  He debated on setting up another ultrasound in 6 weeks instead of 3 months, but after conferring with the radiologist, he said he doesn't feel it is necessary- which is always good to her.  Her AFP numbers were great which is another positive.

We are now just waiting to head to St. Louis.  She isn't supposed to get sick between now and then so I am doing my best to keep her in a bubble.  Mostly just washing hands lots, changing towels and washcloths, and trying to keep Oliver and Parker from being directly in her face (sometimes I feel like that is a losing battle).  I will be updating in the next few weeks as her surgery and recovery progresses.

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