Monday, July 2, 2012

28 weeks- July 2nd

Profile view of our baby at today's ultrasound
Eric and I went in for my 28 week appointment today.  We started off with an ultrasound where we saw the baby moving around a lot.  It is a pretty active little baby typically and has consistently been that way for ultrasounds.  The appointment was actually more relaxing and less new information than we have had in awhile so that was nice.
We met with one of the nurse practitioners after our ultrasound.  She said things are looking good.  We asked if she would call it an omphalocele and she said yes.  She also said that if they have any concerns as to which it could be, they error on the side of caution and go with omphalocele so that they all keep looking for other things instead of getting more comfortable with the gastroschisis.  She said the baby was in the 64th percentile for weight and over 3 pounds already.  That was exciting to hear!  Another thing that was exciting during the ultrasound is that the abdominal cavity was measuring at 30 weeks, 6 days and I am inferring for myself and hoping that means the surgery to put the bowel back in will be super successful because there will be plenty of room.  They said my amniotic fluid is increasing, which is to be expected, but that it is still in the normal range.
I scheduled my next appointment for Wednesday, July 11th prior to leaving on vacation.  We were also able to schedule the rest of our appointments for the rest of my pregnancy.  Starting at 32 weeks (July 30th), I get to go two times a week for appointments.  Each appointment will consist of a biophysical and non-stress test for the baby and then a prenatal appointment for myself.  While I am not necessarily excited to spend 4+ hours a week at the hospital, we knew this was coming eventually and are glad they are taking good care of myself and the baby.  Before my next appointment, I get to go and get more blood drawn.  I went in this past Saturday for my glucose test and it came back normal!  If I have counted right in the first 28 weeks of this pregnancy, I have had 9 appointments and assuming no more get scheduled, in the last 9 weeks (bringing me to 37 weeks), I will have 12 more.
Here's hoping for another positive and uneventful appointment next week!

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