Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday, July 30

I skipped a follow-up post of my appointment a few weeks ago, but there wasn't much new to report and I figure since I had an appointment on Monday, I would just post updates from that one.
I went in on Monday for my first of my 2 times a week appointments.  It was at 8:30 in the morning and we were finished by about 10:40.

First we went to the ultrasound where they took growth measurements and did the biophysical profile.  (From WebMD, a biophysical profile is: Special ultrasound methods are used to keep track of movement, increases in heart rate with movement (nonstress test), muscle tone, breathing rate, and the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby.)  They estimated the baby's weight at 4 pounds, 15 ounces which is pretty good for just a few days over 32 weeks.  After the ultrasound was finished, we headed back to the waiting room for a few minutes until we could be taken back for the non-stress test.  We went in and I got hooked up for that test- two monitors on my belly- one to measure the baby's heart rate and another to measure contractions and then I had a hand-held button to push when I felt movement.  The baby was doing lots of moving and it probably took 15 minutes and me lying down on my side until the nurse was finally able to get a consistent heart rate.  Then we sat for 20 minutes while that all finished.  Finally we were taken to a regular room for my prenatal appointment.  She said everything looked good with the baby, the heart rate was 143 I believe.  The baby scored a perfect 10/10 on the biophysical profile (BPP).  They had measured the size of the omphalocele and it was 2.71 cm x 2.3 cm and is still only containing bowel.  The baby was also measuring a little ahead by size measurements- 33 weeks, 4 days (I was 32 weeks, 2 days this day).

I asked about scheduling the C-section because I am anxious to know dates and get some planning done.  She responded with "So you are delivering in Peoria right?"  To which I was a little bummed, but basically said I didn't really know and had been told both and wasn't sure what I was actually doing.  She called a NP for the pediatric surgeons (they are only in Urbana for office hours on Wednesdays) to ask if they had anymore details.  So as of right now, we have no idea which one I will deliver at (Peoria- 1.5 hours from our house or Carle-1.5 blocks from our house).  We should know after August 15th- that day we will meet with the pediatric surgeon and the Nurse Practitioner.  They will lay out all of our options and the pros and cons of delivering at both Carle and Peoria.  Then (unless something changes between now and then) we will get to decide which hospital we prefer to deliver at.  It is overwhelming to think about making that choice (both have Level 3 NICUs, but Peoria is the Children's Hospital and where the surgeons are actually coming from).  We are trying not to worry about it too much and hope that the decision will be clear to us when we find out the information at our appointment on the 15th.

Things are continuing on pretty normally here- I feel rather large and the heat could drop a little bit.  We had thunder and then it started to rain here- for about 30 seconds and then the sun came back out in full force.  We started telling Oliver a little bit about the baby and that he won't be able to see it right away because it has an owie- he talks about when he saw Parker and is pretty exciting about this baby too.  When we told him that, he right away said "but I won't touch the baby, I'll just look."  We told him that we would bring back pictures and take videos so he would be able to see those and he seemed all right with that.  Parker is pretty unaware of it all, he "knows" I have a baby in my belly, but so does he, Oliver, Eric, and pretty much every other person we see.  Eric has work stuff going on for the next 3 appointments so I think I will be charging up the iPod so I can keep myself entertained at the appointments.  Luckily, we have friends in town who have been so helpful in watching the boys so we can both go to appointments.  I'll try to report back shortly after Thursday's appointment.  Have a great night.

Baby's newest profile shot

Monday, July 2, 2012

28 weeks- July 2nd

Profile view of our baby at today's ultrasound
Eric and I went in for my 28 week appointment today.  We started off with an ultrasound where we saw the baby moving around a lot.  It is a pretty active little baby typically and has consistently been that way for ultrasounds.  The appointment was actually more relaxing and less new information than we have had in awhile so that was nice.
We met with one of the nurse practitioners after our ultrasound.  She said things are looking good.  We asked if she would call it an omphalocele and she said yes.  She also said that if they have any concerns as to which it could be, they error on the side of caution and go with omphalocele so that they all keep looking for other things instead of getting more comfortable with the gastroschisis.  She said the baby was in the 64th percentile for weight and over 3 pounds already.  That was exciting to hear!  Another thing that was exciting during the ultrasound is that the abdominal cavity was measuring at 30 weeks, 6 days and I am inferring for myself and hoping that means the surgery to put the bowel back in will be super successful because there will be plenty of room.  They said my amniotic fluid is increasing, which is to be expected, but that it is still in the normal range.
I scheduled my next appointment for Wednesday, July 11th prior to leaving on vacation.  We were also able to schedule the rest of our appointments for the rest of my pregnancy.  Starting at 32 weeks (July 30th), I get to go two times a week for appointments.  Each appointment will consist of a biophysical and non-stress test for the baby and then a prenatal appointment for myself.  While I am not necessarily excited to spend 4+ hours a week at the hospital, we knew this was coming eventually and are glad they are taking good care of myself and the baby.  Before my next appointment, I get to go and get more blood drawn.  I went in this past Saturday for my glucose test and it came back normal!  If I have counted right in the first 28 weeks of this pregnancy, I have had 9 appointments and assuming no more get scheduled, in the last 9 weeks (bringing me to 37 weeks), I will have 12 more.
Here's hoping for another positive and uneventful appointment next week!